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Table of tolerances for gauge blocks according to DIN 861, corresponds with ISO 3650 and SS 3348.


DIN 861 specifies the most important dimensional and quality characteristics of gauge blocks with a rectangular cross-section and a nominal length ln ranging from 0,5 to 1000 mm. The permissible deviations and tolerances are stated for four grades of accuracy, i.e. 00, 0, 1 and 2 and the calibration Grade K.


Nominal Legnth [mm] Precision 00 Precision 0 Precision 1 Precision 2
Max Length
Max Length
Max Length
Max Length
-10 ±0.06 0.05 ±0.12 0.10 ±0.20 0.16 ±0.45 0.30
(10)-25 ±0.07 0.05 ±0.14 0.10 ±0.30 0.16 ±0.60 0.30
(25)-50 ±0.10 0.06 ±0.20 0.10 ±0.40 0.18 ±0.80 0.30
(50)-75 ±0.12 0.06 ±0.25 0.12 ±0.50 0.18 ±1.00 0.35
(75)-100 ±0.14 0.07 ±0.30 0.12 ±0.60 0.20 ±1.20 0.35
(100)-150 ±0.20 0.08 ±0.40 0.14 ±0.80 0.20 ±1.60 0.40
(150)-200 ±0.25 0.09 ±0.50 0.16 ±1.00 0.25 ±2.00 0.40
(200)-250 ±0.30 0.10 ±0.60 0.16 ±1.20 0.25 ±2.40 0.45
(250)-300 ±0.35 0.10 ±0.70 0.18 ±1.40 0.25 ±2.80 0.50
(300)-400 ±0.45 0.12 ±0.90 0.20 ±1.80 0.30 ±3.60 0.50
(400)-500 ±0.50 0.14 ±1.10 0.25 ±2.20 0.35 ±4.40 0.60
(500)-600 ±0.60 0.16 ±1.30 0.25 ±2.60 0.40 ±5.00 0.70
(600)-700 ±0.70 0.18 ±1.50 0.30 ±3.00 0.45 ±6.00 0.70
(700)-800 ±0.80 0.20 ±1.70 0.30 ±3.40 0.50 ±6.50 0.80
(800)-900 ±0.90 0.20 ±1.90 0.35 ±3.80 0.50 ±7.50 0.90
(900)-1000 ±1.00 0.25 ±2.00 0.40 ±4.20 0.60 ±8.00 1.50

1 = Permitted ±deviation at arbitrary point in relation to nominal dimension.
2 = Permitted length variation (depending on flatness and parallelism error).



DIN 862

The most internationally widely used caliper standard (DIN 862 Vernier calipers; requirements, testing) gives the following requirements (all in mm) for caliper measurement accuracy:


Accuracy of calipers according DIN 862
Measuring length l [mm] Maximum permissible errors [μm]
vernier/dial reading digital
0,1 / 0,05 mm 0,02 mm 0,01 mm
50 50 20 20
200 30 30
400 60
500 70
600 80
700 90 40 40
800 100
900 110
1000 120
1200 140 50 --
1400 160
1600 180 60
1800 200
2000 220



DIN 863


Measuring range [mm] Error limit G [μm] Tolerance of parallelism of the measuring surfaces at a measuring force of 10 N [μm]
0 - 25 4 2
25 - 50 4 2
50 - 75 5 3
75 - 100 5 5
100 - 125 6 3
125 - 150 6 3
150 - 175 7 4
175 - 200 7 4
200 - 225 8 4
225 - 250 8 4
250 - 275 9 5
275 - 300 9 5
300 - 325 10 5
325 - 350 10 5
350 - 375 11 6
375 - 400 11 6
400 - 425 12 6
425 - 450 12 6
450 - 475 13 7
475 - 500 13 7



DIN 866

Table of tolerances according to DIN 866. For engineer’s folding rules

Type A: 0.07 - 0.10 mm
Type B: 0.10 - 0.15 mm


Length [mm] 500 1000 1500 2000 3000 4000
Type A [mm] 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.06 0.08 0.10
Type B [mm] 0.10 0.10 0.15 0.15 0.20 0.10



DIN 874

Table of tolerances according to DIN 874. Levelness tolerance (flatness) in μm for different degrees of precision. The levelness tolerance indicates the max deviation between the lowest and highest point. (Reference temperature +20°C.)


Steel rules Sharp edged rules
Length [mm]
± 2


Length [mm]
± 2
500 4 7 12 21 75 2
750 6 9,5 17 27 100 2
1000 8 12 21 33 150 3
1500 - 17 29 46 300 3
2000 - 22 37 58    
2500 - 27 46 71    
3000 - 32 54 83    
4000 - 42 71 108    
5000 - - 87 133    



DIN 875

Standard DIN 875 refers to the squareness of machined surfaces; all those parts which require accuracy on one or more corners at 90° use this standard.

The DIN standard relating to squareness or verticality between two surfaces regulates the maximum deviation, according to the envisaged degree of accuracy, of adjacent surfaces with respect to a fixed value of 90°.

This deviation is measured using the following formulas:
•DIN 875/II° = 0.02 + L/10.000 mm
•DIN 875/I° = 0.01 + L/20.000 mm

Workshop squares - table of tolerances according to DIN 875.


Length on long shank Maximum variation (perpendicularity) μm Maximum variation (linearity) μm
mm 00 0 1 2 00 0 1 2
50 3 - - - 2 3 5 10
75 3 7 14 28 2 3 5 11
100 3 7 15 30 2 3 6 12
150 4 8 18 35 3 4 7 14
200 4 8 20 40 3 4 8 16
250 5 10 23 45 3 5 9 18
300 5 11 25 50 3 5 10 20
500 7 15 35 70 4 7 14 26
750 10 20 43 85 5 10 19 38
1000 12 25 60 120 6 12 24 48
1500 17 35 85 170 8 17 34 68



DIN 876

Table of tolerances for surface plates according to DIN876. The levelness tolerance indicates the max deviation between the highest and lowest point on the surface. (Ref. temperature +20°C.)


Length Maximum variation by grade type
mm 00
100 2 4 11 22 44
160 2 5 12 23 46
250 3 5 13 25 50
400 3 6 14 28 56
630 3 7 16 33 65
1000 4 8 20 40 80
1600 5 10 26 52 104
2000 6 12 30 60 120
2500 7 14 35 70 -



DIN 878

Table of tolerances for dial indicators according to DIN 878.


Measuring range [mm] Limit values for
hysteresis of error of indication [µm] repeatability of error of indication [µm] errors of indication over a range of
any 1/10 revolution [µm] any 1/2 revolution [µm] one revolution [µm] the measuring range [µm]
0.4 3 3 5a - - 7
0.8 3 3 5a - - 7
3 3 3 5a 8 9 10
5 3 3 5a 9 10 12
10 3 3 5a 9 10 15

a Refers to 1/10 of the measuring range.